Wednesday, January 9, 2013

A room full of clutter... PART 1

Are you ready for this? Can you handle it? Clutter-Free Classroom Challenge: Week 1- Pictures!

Here we go!

Here's my library- it looks pretty good, but if you get a little closer, you'd see that my Non-fiction section needs a SERIOUS makeover!

Oh look, organization!  Math/Word Work is all stored here. I'm pretty proud of this, but it could always use improvement.

I have so many bins that I'm not using right now!  I really should just purge them.  They were sitting on top of the kids lockers but they kept annoying me because it just looked so cluttered, so I put them in my little microwave cart.  The crate on top is a bunch of books that need to get brought to the book store.. I just haven't had the chance to get there so it is CLUTTERING my room! uggghhh

OK, so this isn't so bad.  But look in the corner there.  Yep, the bottom left, see under the sink?  This is where the clutter monster hides all of his things!

Oh yea, and this is on the inside of that cabinet in the picture above. Terrible!

Ahh! Books that need to get put into my library.  No time! :( They get thrown here.  Ugh, it makes me sad just looking at this.  All those poor books not getting read by those eager kids.  TRAGEDY! Oh and that crate looks pretty organized...right?  Everything I need to file in their folders is in front- disorganized.  I'm good at hiding clutter sometimes!!

 I need a better way to organize our Science experiment materials.  Oh and that's our friend, Zippy over there.  He could use a new spot too!

Oh Lawd.  This is the indoor recess & math materials cabinet.  It WAS all organized.  The recess equipment I blame the kids on (bad I know).  Math? Noone to blame there but me.. I'm usually SO good at keeping things organized!

Pathetic. This is where our construction paper is that the kids can use. I have my own stash in my cabinet that is untouchable by kids.  OK- I blame this one on them too {Shame Shame Shame on me}

I tried to organize!  Our  Brain Busters/Task Cards.  They were hung beautifully on the cabinet.  Each ring of task cards had their own little hook.  But they all fell off because my room is super duper hot, then super freezing.  But mostly, it's just super hot. So this is what happened to them. Crammed into a little bin.

And this is only part of it.. I dropped my phone at this point & then my camera decided to be a boob.  Hoping tomorrow I'll be able to take the rest.  There is one area I'm super proud of!  Oh and another that I'm even a bit embarrassed to show.  But I will!  For the sake of the Clutter-Free Classroom project!

Now let's get to de-cluttering!

Oh BTW, have you thought about joining this project?? Check out Clutter-Free Classroom!

See my other disaster pictures {here}!!


  1. This made me laugh! That's how I felt yesterday. I ended up giving away a huge stack of laminated centers just because I didn't have time to cut and I was tired of seeing them. My coworkers were happy to take them off my hands :)

    1. Oh.Em.Gee, I totally just stuck a bunch of stuff in the mail room the other day because I was so annoyed the stuff was just taking up space and cluttering things. Plus I never touched them! I also did purge a bunch of stuff. It felt soooo good! Just gotta take it one step at a time :)

  2. Ashley... thanks again for finding me! I decluttered the front of my classroom a few months ago and posted the pictures on my blog. I don't know if I posted before pictures or not. They were embarrassing! I had two tables at the front of my room and just had mismatched containers of all sorts with all of our math manipulatives that the kids couldn't get to and it just looked horrible. Here is a link to my posts with my organization project: Oh, and there ARE before pictures!

    Sliding Into First

    1. Thanks for sharing the link to your organization project! That's not the worst of it, I'm sad to say! But before the kiddos came back I did START to get things back to organized. Capable? Yes.. Time? No (The problem for all of us! Lol) I'm looking forward to keeping up with you! :)

  3. Thanks for joining my site Ashley! And your classroom doesn't look that bad :-) I love your blue and green theme! Looking forward to seeing the transformation. Good luck!

  4. Hi Jennifer! Totally my pleasure, I love it! I missed a few parts of my room that are in serious need of some organizing! haha. I have to remember to take some photos so I can be proud of the progress :)


  5. My room has issues with hidden clutter too!! We can do it!
    Good luck with the project,
    Karen :o)
    Mrs. Stamp's Kindergarten

  6. Clutter is a teacher's challenge. Yours doesn't even look bad. I've known teachers who grow piles and piles of old papers, school projects and other materials that stack up over time. De-cluttering is much more difficult. You'll never know when you needed to recover old stuff, so the least you could do is to organize and keep them all until you're assured you'll no longer need them. Javier @
