By now, I'm sure many of you have seen this picture floating around the world of social media...
with this caption...
"The dumbing down of elementary school children has reached epidemic proportions. They can no longer make any informed decisions due to the quantity of misinformation, falsities and deliberate use of distraction, all while imposing academic standards not even fit for a primate."
Many people immediately thought, WHAT? What are these teachers teaching our children? No wonder why our children are so "stupid".
Well... I have to tell you I had a similar reaction, but mine was more like, "Wow, that is BRILLIANT- way to go teach!"
Now, I am in no way here writing this post to say I am a for or against common core and that is not my purpose here today. However, I am becoming increasingly frustrated with the misconceptions and misunderstanding of what these standards are teaching our children. Let me start my explaining the "new way" in the above problem.
The work shown in that equation is nothing different than the way our brains work and process numbers. The reason it seems confusing is because we don't normally write it out on paper- our brain does all the work for us. In this problem, instead of subtracting, the student is doing reverse addition. Here's a visual...

So really, this type of thinking is not only not dumb, but also quite an advanced way of thinking. You see, for many of us growing up we just learned the algorithm. We were taught "the rules" and we followed them. We rarely veered off that path- and we thought we knew what we were doing, but in reality we were just following the steps our teacher taught us. Now in the 21st century, teachers are preparing students for careers that don't even exist yet and teaching them this type of critical, deep understanding of math concepts is essential for their futures and is not even close to making our students "stupid". In fact it is making them quite smart, much smarter than we were- like it or not, and capable of solving problems in many different ways.
As a teacher, it is my job to make sure my students are prepared for the world ahead of them. I can't sit here and say that teaching students this type of thinking is all cake and jellybeans.. No- It's frustrating, it's tiring, and sometimes makes me want to pull my hair out. Some nights I'm up until midnight trying to figure out a lesson that will best help my students understand WHY ... because critical, deep understanding is more important now than ever. Some nights I wonder if they'll ever get that concept I've been teaching them for 4 weeks. Some nights I wonder why in the world I chose this profession. But then, there's that day when a student explains their thinking like in the problem above, you see that light bulb, and you know that these new standards, the sleepless nights, the ridiculous acts you did to engage your students, the weeks you spent so patiently waiting for them to "get it" all worth it and that our children, our future, are ready for the lives that are ahead of them.