Our ELA team meets about 5 times this school year for a whole day of mapping/creating Common Formative Assessments. I feel like with so many people on a team for one grade, it's impossible to get much done. Too many opinions and ideas that it's impossible to agree on one! How do you guys handle curriculum mapping? I would rather just be given something to work on, get ideas from others/talk to others and then put it together on my own. I never seem to get anything done during these meetings.
The one thing that made me laugh was finding out that my substitute today looked like "Scary Santa." Maybe like this ----------------------------------------------------------------->>> You think that would've scared some of my kids but apparently, 2 of them had quite a difficult day (Argh!) and were escorted down the room to another teachers room. I couldn't resist when I was told and just had to say it... cause I knew EVERYONE was thinkin' it.... "He should've just told them he's putting them on the naughty list.." Although I think my kids would say they are not naughty , just "misunderstood" like Santas list here... :)
I hope everyone had a very fabulous Thanksgiving filled with lots of Turkey, Family, and Pumpkin Pie!!

This isn't going to be a long post- My last two were RIDICULOUSLY long with like ZERO pictures, and not much fun stuff, I know.. It was hard trying to catch up. But before I sign off, I was thinking about putting some Project Learning Units together and was wondering if anybody would be interested in them. Since I teach second, they would be less open ended and more structured, but I tried a Project-based(ish) apporach with my kids when we were learning about U.S. Symbols and they LOVED it! And it aligns with CC speaking and listening standards too! Great way to incorporate that into your day! I was thinking I could put together my U.S. Symbols one, a weather one, and I was thinking about even possibly doing one for Non-Fiction text features in reading (thought it would be a fun way for the kids to kind of take a break from the typical mini-lesson/reading/closure Reader's Workshop and get them collaborating to teach us the mini-lessons) What do y'all think? I appreciate your comments & All of you!
Oh and I'm very thankful for Field trips when not feeling well.. especially when it's a play you get to sit through and watch! Yay :)
I would LOVE to see your project units. My school wants us to use PBL but I still don't know what I'm doing. Love all the help I can get. Thanks!
I am interested with your Project Learning Units, that would be a great help.