Giveaway #1: Rachael Schauer
Giveaway #2: Jessica Lawler
Giveaway #3: Chirstina M.
Giveaway #4: Dinah Ely
Giveaway #5:Kirra Lehmann
Giveaway #6: Dinah Ely
Congrats to everyone who won!! Check your e-mail tomorrow for an e-mail from me! You should start receiving your goodies soon!
I found this pretty interesting linky being hosted by Tori over at Toris Teacher Tips and decided to link up!
Basically, you take a short quiz, do some quick math and figure out what color best represents you. Who knew that it would be SPOT ON? I mean really... It basically told my personality to the tee, not kidding. Head on over to Tori's blog to take the quiz & figure out your color.

And I have to say, that I would totally agree. Here is what the quiz says about Blues & Golds!
Peaceful…Flexible…Imaginative Loyal…Dependable…Prepared
Idealistic…Spiritual…Sincere Caring…Concerned…Concrete
At Work: At Work:
I often work in the arts, I provide stability and can
communications, education, and maintain organization.
the helping professions.
In Love... In Love...
I enjoy the symbols of romance I demonstrate love and affection
such as flowers, candlelight, and through the practical things I do
music, and I cherish the small for my loved ones
gestures of love.
In Childhood... In Childhood...
I responded to encouragement I was the easiest of all types of
rather than competition. children to adapt to the
educational system.
At the things people think about me were scary spot on.. I can't wait to bring this to my PLC Monday & ask my teammates to take it! Head on over to Tori's blog to take the quiz for yourself & link up!
Thanks so much for linking up Ashley!! How interesting that you tied! My co-worker is blue and gold too! I think those are the best colors to be! :)
Nice Information Sharing! How To Be a Primary Teacher and what is it like to be a primary school teacher in the 21st century? What you think?
ReplyDeleteWahoooo! This is the first thing I've ever won on one of those RaffleCoptors :) Thanks, Ashley!
Joy in the Journey
Yay!!! I'm so excited to have one the first giveaway!! Thank you!
Mindful Rambles