Thank the good Lord upstairs for intersession. The perks of year round! Once everyone starts getting really tired, it's time for a break.
Right before intersession we finished up our unit on Weather. I have a weather FANATIC in my room this year. I mean, serious weather fanatic. He could not wait until we got into extreme weather because he had sooo many questions about tornados. I knew he would love our mini research! I especially love little projects like this because it helps me see who is a leader, who is a follower, who is bossy, who does all the work and who just does the bare minimum. I do have to say that each and every one of my 20 little second graders put in a tremendous amount of effort into this project! Check out the work they did!

For this project, I split them into 5 groups and gave each group 1 type of extreme weather to become experts on. They would research and find information about this weather and present their research to the rest of the class. Here are the graphic organizers we used to take notes. Students did the research in pairs and came back together as a group to decide what information was the most important and what they needed to teach the rest of the class.
You can click on either picture to head to my TPT store to download a free copy of these posters!
Check out my little babies at work!
They were so proud of their work and looking forward to more of this throughout the year!
Thank you so much for this! It was exactly what I was looking for :)