Monday, February 4, 2013

Common Core Math

Y'all are NOT going to believe this!  I am so mad.  I went to go set up my Rafflecopter giveaways and my internet access to Rafflecopter is BLOCKED!  What? See, if I was at school, I would have zero problem, but it blocks ridiculous stuff at home.  Why, Oh Why? I don't understand!! It never did this to me until I updated, it just baffles my mind.  And since my personal computer broke- This is the only one I have.  I wonder if Rafflecopter will work on my Ipad?? It would take probably 5x as long, but at least it would get  done.  I'm soo sorry that it might take me a little longer to get up my giveaway than planned, but it will be up, I promise!  Since I can't start putting together the Rafflecopters for my giveaway, I'll tell you a little bit about some problem solving we are doing in Math.

Recently, a few coworkers and myself were leading professional development on the 8 Common Core Mathematical Practices.

One of the people on our team found this video of a third grade math class in action from the Teaching site.  I thought it was totally awesome.  I love the idea of "Wrestling" with the problem and then asking the kids to put their "Heads together, Butts Up" to discuss the problem and how they arrived at their answer.   So I tried it, and I love it!  We do it everyday, right after specials when our math time starts.  It definitely takes up a little bit of time (about 10 minutes of your math block) but  I think its well worth it.  It helps students get their Math Brains ready & they love the challenge. has the Choose 3 Ways sheet the teacher uses, but since I teach 2nd grade, I tweaked it a tiny bit.  I added a number line on the bottom, and changed a few of the strategies that students can use since we don't know multiplication or division.

Here is the sheet I give to my kids to show their work. Definitely check out the video and see how this teacher incorporates the "Choose 3 Ways" into her everyday plans.   It's a great tool for the common core!!!

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